Educational Leadership (PhD) | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

How to Apply:

Admissions Requirements

  1. Complete the FREE online application: 一旦您的申请表被处理,您将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含您的申请门户登录凭据和提交补充材料的说明,如下所列.
  2. Essay: Applicants will be asked to write 2 statements:
    • In two to three double-spaced pages, 请描述对你的领域产生兴趣的重要生活经历, your understanding of this field, your occupational objectives, and why you have chosen Springfield College. 
    • 请编写一份三到五页的文件,针对以下提示:找出你的工作环境或社区中面临的一个重要的实践问题, including an analysis of why this is a problem and how it relates to equity and education. 还请说明这个问题与你追求教育领导博士学位的兴趣有什么关系.*
      • *委员会将审查这个写作样本,并着眼于候选人如何整合相关的学术文献来支持他们的陈述. 
  3. Resume: Please include any college activities, out-of-school leadership experiences, work history, 和社区参与来支持你的兴趣或研究生学习的资格. 
  4. Three letters of recommendation: 教师或直接主管的三封推荐信:推荐人将在您提交申请时收到一封电子邮件,并且可以将您的信上传到您的申请中.
  5. Interview: Upon review of all admissions materials, 被考虑入学的申请人将由两名项目教师进行面试(通过Zoom). We anticipate interviews will begin in March.
  6. Master's Degree: This program requires a master's degree.
  7. Transcripts: An official transcript from each college/university you have attended is required. In order to be considered official, transcripts must be received directly from the original source, by email to or mailed to the college address: 

Springfield College
Office of Graduate Admissions
263 Alden Street
​​​​​​​Springfield, MA 01109

International Applicants

All international applicants from non-English speaking countries are required, in addition to the items listed above, to submit:

  • Proof of English language proficiency by way of the TOEFL or IELTS. Other tests may be accepted on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to our language requirements 有关可接受考试、最低分数、豁免和有条件录取的更多信息. 如果你的本科学位是在美国获得的,并且你成功地完成了大学水平的英语, we will consider English language proficiency met.
  • Please note: Transcripts must be in English. 如果成绩单不是英文的,您将被要求提交由任何成员完成的专业证书评估 National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). For this we recommend SpanTran, with its customized portal for Springfield College applicants. World Education Services or Josef Silny & Associates, Inc. are also recommended for your credential evaluations.


Application Deadlines

  • Priority Application and Supporting Materials Deadline: March 1
  • Final Application and Supporting Materials Deadline: March 15

Program Competencies:

Program Competencies

Program Competencies

十大赌博信誉的平台使用九种能力作为指导你学习和学术追求的基础. 这些能力的发展是为了指导课程的发展,并为领导人在美国推进公平和种族正义做好准备.S. educational system.


  1. 确定自己作为领导者的优势和挑战,并寻找发展技能的机会.
  2. Nurture and advance an inclusive cohesive team and stakeholders to think strategically, critically, and creatively.
  3. Apply leadership theory and models.
  4. Take intelligent and ethically informed risks to create social change.
  5. Develop confidence and the capacity of individuals to promote equity in organizations.   

Equity, Social Justice, and Inclusion

  1. 解释教育不公平对整个社会的系统性影响,并制定创造公平的策略.
  2. 批判性和系统地检查实践中的问题和问题,以产生公平的解决方案.
  3. Use analytical and research methods appropriate to dismantling systems of oppression.
  4. Advocate for more equitable practice.
  5. 提高意识,以身作则,让其他人学习并朝着公平的方向前进.

Historical Context of U.S. Educational Systems

  1. Describe the historical foundations of inequity in educational structures.
  2. Compare and contrast current issues with historical trends.
  3. Critique social and cultural issues and situate them in contemporary issues.

Teaching and Learning

  1. 运用教育不同人群的教学法,创造包容和公正的教学环境.
  2. Articulate how theoretical constructs influence learning and development.

Law, Policy, Governance

  1. 解释现行法律和政策如何影响教育系统,促进或阻止不平等.
  2. Critically analyze state and federal laws and policy to dismantle inequities.

Administration and Organizational Resources

  1. Identify public and private educational funding sources.
  2. Critically analyze how the appropriation of resources affect equity.
  3. Examine the governance of educational systems. 

Professional Scholarship

  1. Develop a professional plan to keep knowledge and skills current.
  2. Present relevant information in a clear, organized manner, and convey essential information to appropriate audiences.


  1. Examine strengths and limits of research methodologies.
  2. Apply concepts, strategies, 以及使用多种方法进行严格的伦理研究的技术.
  3. 产生原创知识和理解,在领导消除教育不平等的工作中做出实质性贡献.

Civic Engagement

  1. Connect with local and external resources to advance equity in education.
  2. Examine local and state context to create solutions for systemic educational issues.

Land Acknowledgement 

十大赌博信誉的平台承认并努力在前人和仍在这里行走的人的祖传家园上光荣地学习和创造,这是通过殖民主义占领的土地,铭记这片土地的完整性,这片土地是土著人民所认同的 Nipmuc (see We are grateful to respectfully live and work as a guest on these lands.

City of Springfield Indigenous Land Acknowledgement