Kingsley Schroeder | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台

Kingsley Schroeder

Kingsley Schroeder

Assistant Professor of Psychology
Profile photo of Kingsley Schroeder
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Penn., 2019
  • Master of Science, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, Penn., 2017
  • Bachelor of Arts, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., 2014

Kingsley Schroeder's research interests center on children and adolescent identity development. She is particularly interested in gender and ethnic identities, both in how they are developed and the potential consequences that these identities may hold for important developmental outcomes (e.g., mental health, sexual behavior). More recently, Schroeder also has applied these constructs to Latinx immigrant populations to better understand how a bicultural experience may affect identity development. In addition to these content areas, she has experience with applying a variety of developmental methodologies, including SEM, growth curve modeling, EMA, person-centered analyses, and nonlinear growth models. In the classroom, Schroeder focuses on the ways in which psychology topics apply to all areas of students' lives, using experiential and collaborative learning techniques.

Research Interests
  • Gender identity development
  • Gender socialization
  • Development of immigrant youth
  • Longitudinal methods and data analysis
Courses Taught
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Child Development
  • Introduction to Statistics
Certifications and Memberships
  • Member, Society for the Teaching of Psychology
  • Member, Society for Research on Child Development
  • Member, Society for Research on Adolescence
  • Program Development Committee Member, Society for the Study of Human Development

Selected Works


Schroeder, K. M., & Liben, L. S. (December, 2020). Parents' attitudes toward women, homophobia, and religiosity in relation to children's gender typicality and felt pressure. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Society for Research on Child Development Special Topics Meeting: Construction of the Other, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

Bámaca-Colbert, M. Y., Schroeder, K. M., Martinez, G. Aceves, L., Castillo, J. E., Cooper, D., & Witherspoon, D. P. (December, 2020). Lifetime and daily discrimination associations with daily family life in Latino parents and adolescents. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Society for Research on Child Development Special Topics Meeting: Construction of the Other, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

Castillo, E. J., Martinez, G., Schroeder, K. M., Aceves, L., Bámaca-Colbert, M. Y., & Witherspoon, D. P. (March, 2020). Latino adolescents' daily life in a new immigrant destination: Associations between school and family experiences and daily affect. Paper to be presented at the 2020 Society for Research in Adolescence Biennial Conference, San Diego, CA.

Schroeder, K. M., Bámaca-Colbert, M. Y. (April, 2017). Macho boys to egalitarian men: Influences on trajectories of Mexican-American adolescents’ gender role expectations. Paper presented at the 2017 Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, Texas.

Fulcher, M., Schroeder, K. M., Simpson, C., & Fulcher, T. (April, 2017). In a Barbie world: Gender-amplified dolls and children’s self-efficacy. Paper presented at the 2017 Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, Texas.


Schroeder, K. M., & Liben, L. S. (2020). Felt pressure to conform to cultural gender roles: Correlates and consequences. Sex Roles.

Nielson, M. G., Schroeder, K. M., Martin, C. L., & Cook, R. E. (2020). Investigating the relation between gender typicality and felt pressure to conform to gender norms. Sex Roles.

Schroeder, K. M., Bámaca-Colbert, M. Y., & Robins, R. W. (2019). Becoming more egalitarian: A longitudinal examination of Mexican-origin adolescents’ gender role attitudes. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication.

Schroeder, K. M., & Bámaca-Colbert, M. Y. (2019). Cultural underpinnings of gender development: Studying gender among children of immigrants. Child Development, 90, 1005-1015.

Liben, L. S., Schroeder, K. M., Borriello, G. A., & Weisgram, E. S. (2018). Cognitive consequences of gendered toy play. In E. S. Weisgram & L. M. Dinella (Eds.), Gender typing of children’s toys: How early play experiences impact development. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.

Coyle, E. F., Van Leer, E., Schroeder, K. M., & Fulcher, M. (2015). Planning to have it all: Emerging adults’ expectations of future work-family conflict. Sex Roles, 72, 547-557.