机构审查委员会(IRB) |十大赌博靠谱信誉网站-十大赌博信誉的平台





The purpose of the Springfield College Institutional Review Board (SCIRB) is to ensure the protection of human subjects in research studies. 

Who must apply 

所有十大赌博靠谱信誉网站人员(教职员工), 教师指导下的学生, 他们在十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的赞助下进行研究, 使用人类受试者必须向scib申请.




    Contact Information
  • Matthew P. Ferrari, Ph.D.
    Hickory Hall, Room 105

    Phone: (413) 748-3818


All persons conducting research must maintain the highest ethical standards for human research protections in all human subjects research.


  • Respect for persons
    • 个人应该被视为自主的代理人
    • 自主权减弱的人有权得到保护  
  • Beneficence
    • Persons are treated in an ethical manner not only by respecting their decisions and protecting them from harm, 但也要努力确保他们的幸福
    • (1)不伤害(2)最大化可能的利益,最小化可能的伤害
  • Justice
    • 分配的公平性(公平地选择参与者)
    • 谁应该得到研究的好处,谁应该承担研究的负担




Application Process

  1. 给你的学院研究顾问,然后给你的系主任提供你完成的 IRB Application Form 以及所有需要阅读、审阅和签署的证明文件. If you are a Faculty Member, 然后请提供相关信息(并获得系主任的签名).
  2. 将申请表格及所有证明文件以校园邮递方式交回校内审核委员会, Academic Affairs, Hickory 105)或电子提交(scirb@springfieldcollege).edu). 请仅以一种方式提交(纸质或电子版,以电子版为佳). 
  3. 申请会在10个工作天(2个工作周)内覆核.
  4. You may receive an email requesting that you make edits and/or provide more information prior to SCIRB approval. 您将有30天的时间回复电子邮件所要求的信息. 在那之后,你需要重新申请.
  5. 当你的申请被批准时, 您将收到一封带有批准信的电子邮件,然后可以开始您的研究学习. 批准的期限为一年. 如果需要额外的时间,必须提交延期申请  IRB Continuation Form.
  6. 如果您需要对已批准的研究项目的方法进行任何更改,您必须提交一份 税务审核委员会更改程序表格.

Application Components

  1. SCIRB application form
  2. 详细描述你的研究(论文/论文的方法部分)
  3. 知情同意书(见“知情同意书模板及资料”页签下的表格)
  4. Data collection instruments
    1. 问卷(包括任何调查), focus group questions, demographic questionnaires, 体能评估措施, etc.)
    2. 用于所有在线数据收集仪器 (e.g. 在Qualtrics, Google Forms, Surveymonkey等调查.): The IRB now requires applicants to include in their application materials a live hyperlink to the online data collection instrument(s) that they will be using, 包括知情同意书,因为它将被分配给参与者.
  5. Recruitment materials- Any materials that prospective participants will see or hear as part of the recruitment process. 例子包括:
    • Flyers Flyer Template
    • 面对面/电话招聘脚本
    • Emails
    • Posting on social media
  6. Letters of Support/Permission- Permission is needed from the appropriate authority in order to recruit participants; and when collecting data from locations other than Springfield College. Letters may be needed from:
    1. 社区组织/合作伙伴
    2. Professors
    3. Coaches

Levels of IRB Review

What Requires IRB Review: 任何活动都需要IRB审查,如果它符合 federal definition below for research and human subjects.

Human Subject 指调查人员(无论是专业人员还是学生)对其进行研究的活着的个人:

(i)通过干预或与个人互动获取信息或生物标本, and uses, studies, or analyzes the information or biospecimens; or

(ii) Obtains, uses, studies, analyzes, 或产生可识别的私人信息或可识别的生物标本.

Research 指系统的调查, 包括研究开发, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge intended to be disseminated to a scholarly community.


Exempt Review: Research can be approved as “exempt” if it is no more than “minimal risk” and fits one of the exempt review categories as defined by federal regulation 45 CFR 46.  所有人类受试者研究仍然必须提交给IRB,以确定其是否符合“豁免”的资格.“豁免审查由内部审查委员会的一名成员进行, 并且不需要召开IRB委员会会议.

Expedited Review: Research can be approved as “expedited” if it is no more than “minimal risk” and fits one of the federally designated expedited review categories as defined by federal regulation 45 CFR 46.  所有人类受试者研究仍然必须提交给IRB,以确定其是否符合“豁免”的资格.“豁免审查由内部审查委员会的一名成员进行, 并且不需要召开IRB委员会会议.

Full Review: 对实验对象的风险大于最小的研究, 涉及弱势群体, 或者不符合豁免或快速审查的资格, 会在全面召开的审查委员会会议上接受审查. 

The Springfield College IRB 利用联邦人类研究保护办公室 decision charts 在决定研究计划的评审水平时. 


Informed Consent is a process in which researchers provide information to participants about the details of a research study before their enrollment in the study. 同意书上的所有信息应被参与者理解, thus, 使用simple是最佳实践, 在你的同意书上写明措辞. 一般来说,建议所有的语言都应该达到或低于8年级的阅读水平. 应避免使用任何医学术语或学术术语,或附带说明.


  • 研究涉及研究的声明, an explanation of the purposes of the research and the expected duration of the subject's participation (please include a specific time), 对要遵循的程序的描述, 以及实验过程的识别.
  • 对受试者可合理预见的风险或不适的描述. 即使没有可预见的风险或不适,这仍然需要说明.
  • A description of any benefits to the subject or to others which may reasonably be expected from the research. 即使没有可预见的好处,这仍然需要说明.
  • 对适当的替代程序或治疗过程的披露, if any, 这可能对这门学科有利.
  • 说明为保护该主题的机密性而采取的措施的声明, 并确保在研究过程中识别受试者的所有记录的安全. (e.g. no identifying information will be recorded; data will be stored in a secure password protected computer file, etc.)
  • 对于风险大于最小的研究, statement as to whether there is any compensation and whether medical treatments are available if injury occurs.  如果有,说明赔偿和待遇的程度和性质.
  • An explanation of whom to contact for answers to pertinent questions about the research (Include both PI and Faculty Advisor name and contact info.) and whom to contact in the event of a research-related injury to the subject or questions about rights as a participant (Springfield College IRB 413-748-3818).
  • 自愿参与的声明, that refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled, and that the subject may discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which the subject is otherwise entitled.

For Online Surveys: Keeping data confidential and secure for online survey data collection is different than with in-person surveys, 由于网络环境中始终存在着泄密的风险. 因此,十大赌博信誉的平台要求您对收集在线调查数据的固有风险进行简要说明. See sample statement below:

网上调查的样本声明: There is always the possibility of tampering from an outside source when using the internet for collecting information. While the confidentiality of your responses will be protected once the data are downloaded from the internet, there is always a possibility of hacking or other security breaches that could threaten the confidentiality of your responses.

用于所有在线数据收集仪器 (e.g. 在Qualtrics, Google Forms, Surveymonkey等调查.): The IRB now requires applicants to include in their application materials a live hyperlink to the online data collection instrument(s) that they will be using, 包括知情同意书,因为它将被分配给参与者.

亲身同意表格模板: This template should be used by researchers who will be administering informed consent to participants in-person. 
Form as PDF

网上同意书模板: This template should be used by researchers who will be administering informed consent in an online environment (e.g. 在线调查,谷歌表格等.)
Form as PDF 

家长同意书模板: This template should be used by researchers who will be administering informed consent to parents of research participants who are minors.
Form as PDF 

Assent Form Template: 该同意书模板应由将管理未成年人的同意书的研究人员使用.
Form as PDF


研究通常涉及使用各种方法招募潜在的参与者,例如 flyers, 海报,宣传册,媒体广告,招聘信件/电子邮件和口头招聘.

Recruitment materials must be reviewed by the IRB prior to their use by an investigator in order to make sure that the information is not misleading or coercive to participants.


  • 明确说明这是一项研究
  • Purpose of the study
  • Eligibility criteria
  • 参与的自愿性
  • 参与的内容(基本程序和时间承诺)
  • 参与的好处,如果有的话
  • 联系信息(姓名,电话/电子邮件),以便有兴趣的人联系


Overview: The IRB recently approved a broad consent protocol for teaching-related research happening in Springfield College Classrooms. 本协议的目的是简化教学研究的IRB申请和批准程序.

Criteria for Joining: 

  • 您的研究符合联邦对豁免教育研究的定义(见申请表和 一般教育实务指引 以获取更多相关资料).   
  • 您的研究不涉及: 
    • 儿童(18岁以下参加者)
    • 成年人(18岁或以上)可能在法律上/精神上/认知上没有能力表示同意
    • Prisoners
    • 美洲印第安人/阿拉斯加土著部落
    • Non-Springfield College personnel engaged in research: a) intervening or interacting with the participants and/or b) having access to participant identifiable private information for research purposes.
    • International Research
    • 具有可披露的经济利益的研究小组成员.

Application Process: 


如果您有任何问题,请联系Matt Ferrari.

Additional Resources

以下网站可能提供额外的支持, information, 以及对研究过程的理解:

OHRP Homepage 人类研究保护办公室(OHRP)

This page offers information regarding research with Human Subjects and the protection of Human Research Subjects. 在使用人体研究对象时,将本页作为理解协议的起点. 




This page provides answers for questions that often come up when performing research and is a great place to start when defining responsibilities for investigators, advisors, and research assistants. 


这是十大赌博靠谱信誉网站研究生研究基金页面的链接. You can find the Application for Student Research funding as well as other pertinent  information regarding the application for research funding. 


花旗人类受试者研究培训: 机构审查委员会不要求十大赌博靠谱信誉网站的研究人员完成花旗培训, 但为任何打算进行人体实验的人提供了一种选择. 参见以下花旗银行的指导方针 Social-Behavioral-Educational研究人员 course.

有关内部审核委员会申请流程的介绍: The 学生研究协调员 是否有机会为学生和教师提供有关IRB申请流程的讲座和研讨会. 如果你有兴趣安排一些事情,请联系马修·法拉利

参加花旗培训课程: 春田学院的任何人都可以免费参加花旗的“社会行为教育研究者”课程. 修读课程的步骤如下:

  1. Go to CITI Program website (
  2. Click on the “Register” tab.
  3. 在“Select Your Organization Affiliation”下,输入“Springfield College”.点击“我同意”接受服务条款.
  4. 继续“创建您的CITI用户名/密码”.”
  5. 使用您的十大赌博靠谱信誉网站电子邮件地址完成注册.
  6. Once registered, 点击“机构课程”进入“社会行为教育研究者”课程. 它包含七个独立的模块.

Additional Course Modules: 除了主要的“社会行为教育研究者”课程之外, there are several supplemental modules which are also available at no cost to Springfield College researchers. 这些模块包括:“囚犯研究,” “Research with Children,“公立中小学研究”,” “International Research,和“基于互联网的研究”.”

如果您在访问花旗培训模块方面有任何问题,请与Matthew Ferrari联系